沖縄本島一周サイクリング Around Okinawa island bike touring 400km
jeu. 05 déc.

Date & Place 日時・場所
05 déc. 2019, 06:20 – 08 déc. 2019, 14:00
県民広場(沖縄県庁前), 日本、〒900-0021 沖縄県那覇市泉崎1丁目2−2
About tour イベントについて
Apply and more info https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzkIBcgrd2StUM48NeXtFTNh2_7hgxG1b5Eve7EVxTf7AFhg/viewform?usp=sf_link
日程:2019年12月5日(木)~12月8日(日)3泊4日 募集定員:10名(最小催行人数 7名)
集合&スタート:那覇市(沖縄県庁前)6時半集合 7 時出発
1日目:沖縄県庁前→今帰仁村 約122km
2日目:今帰仁村→東村 約118km
3日目:東村→沖縄市 約86km
4日目:沖縄市→沖縄県庁前 約74km
ゴール:那覇市(沖縄県庁前)14時頃着予定 総距離 400㎞
・1時間の走行距離の目安 10km(起伏の激しいところ)〜25km(平坦)
Why don't you try around Okinawa island 400km!!
Date:Dec.5,2019-Dec.8,2019 4days 3nights
Number of Participants:10 (Minimum 7)
Meeting&Start time : Okinawa Pref. Office 06:30am (07:00am start)
Day1 : Naha city ( Okinawa Pref. office) - Nakijin vill. 122km
Day2 : Nakijin vill. - Higashi vill. 118km
Day3 : Higashi vill. - Okinawa city 86km
Day4 : Okinawa city - Naha city (Okinawa Pref. Office) 74km
Goal time : Okinawa Pref. Office 14:00pm
*Rent a bike available.
*You don’t need to worry about your luggage delivery. We will have a support car and you can put it on it.
*On average, we ride 100km with 8-10 hours (10-20km/h). And we will stop and take a break every about 10-20km.
*Tour Staff (Support car 1, Driver 1, Cycling guide 1)
Apply, now!
If you have any questions and interests, please send from Messenger or email.
email address: info@cycletour.okinawa
Application Deadline: Oct.31,2019
*We will stop accepting applications once all the places are taken.
Depending on the situation, the plan might be changed. Thank you for your understanding.